Fri, Aug 30 - Wed, Sep 4, 2024

2024 Solo Nationals TnT Worker Registration

Lincoln Air Park

About this event

Howdy Pardners!  This here's the place for you varmits to sign up to wrangle cones for the 2024 SCCA Solo Nationals Practice course.

If you do, you'll git the followin:

  • We'll russle up some vittles for lunch fur ya.
  • We'll get ya a fancy-dancy TnT cone wrangler t-shirt
  • We'll let you ride your pony around the TnT course for free. 

If you're a Nebraska Region member, and not entered, we'll do all of this and give you a free entry to a local level event and a "I don't want to work an event" coupon so you can be a lazy little doggie at that event!

Along with the perks, you’ll also get yourself an invite to the Nebraska Region TnT Workers party on Thursday night, September 5th. The shindig usually includes burgers, brats, chicken, salmon, and whatever critter we can find along the roadside to grill up. The saloon will be open too, of course.

Event requirements

You must be able to get off your horse and run a tad, unless you're manning the stables.

Lincoln Air Park

Lincoln, NE
Download track map
Download track map


Autocross/Solo organized by

SCCA - Nebraska Region

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Event over!