Saginaw Valley Region Autocross Events 6 and 7
Oscoda Wurtsmith AirportAbout this event
Friday, July 4th - Test and Tune
TNT format; 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Registration available all day but you must work a shift.
If you can bring a bicycle it will help with your work assignment.
Saturday, July 5th - Autocross Competition Event 6
Registration and Tech: 8:00AM -9:00AM
Novice Walk: 9:00AM
Drivers Meeting: 9:45AM
First Car Off: 10:00AM
Sunday, June 6th - Autocross Competition Event 7
Registration and Tech: 8:00AM - 9:00AM
Course open for walking until 9:00AM
Drivers meeting: 9:15AM
Cars to grid: 9:20AM
First car off 9:30AM
That it, let’s have some fun!
We are offering full entry free refunds, no questions asked, by request. If you are not feeling well, do not come to the event — we will give you either a future event credit or a full refund of your entry fee. Please let us know as soon as possible so that we may let someone on the waiting list take your spot.
To facilitate contactless registration at our events, for the time being we are only accepting online registered and paid entrants. It is at the event chairperson’s discretion if registration will be closed before the event or the day of, and whether or not the event entries will be capped.
It is strongly recommended that SCCA members apply for yearlong waivers, aka “hard cards.” To receive a hard card, click must here to log into your SCCA account. Then, print out a waiver form and either 1) have it notarized, or 2) sign it with an SCCA member witness. You may bring the yearlong waiver form to an event and sign it in front of the waiver worker, which would fulfill the requirements for a hard card.
Any site-specific waiver forms will still need to be signed when entering the site for the first time with the waiver worker.
Wurtsmith Air Force Base
Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport
Oscoda Charter Township, MI 48750
Recommended Checklist:
- Drivers license
- SCCA member card (if you have one)
- Annual Waiver Card (if you have one)
- Water (plenty of it)
- Lunch (No lunch vendor on site, approx. 30 minute lunch break depending on event flow)
- Sunscreen
- Sunglasses
- Bug spray
- Rain gear / umbrella
- Hat / cap
- Folding chair
- Tire pressure gauge
- Tools, jack, jack stands (please protect the site and use stands that don't dig into the asphalt)
- Paper and a pen
Pricing for Competition
Saturday Only - $40
Sunday Only - $40
Saturday and Sunday - $80
Pricing for the Test and Tune
$40 for each driver
Discount Pricing for all three days = $90
Weekend Membership
Additional $20 for the whole weekend
We will run rain or shine, so be prepared to run and bring appropriate clothing!
We are looking for help in all specialty areas, so please don't be afraid to step up and help out if there is something you are interested in learning!
Event requirements
Rules and Procedures:
- Loaner Helmets will be available
- No one under the age of 12 is allowed in "Hot" areas such as grid or as passengers.
Registration Procedures:
You must check in at Registration the day of the event, regardless of your online registration or payment status.
Again, please remember to have your Driver's License and Member card with you when checking in.